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Natural Resources and Environment Management (NREM)

The Natural Resources and Environment Management Program offers innovative project development, research, technical assistance, capacity building, training and consultancy services that will help in the efficient utilization and conservation of natural resources, and policy reviews in issues related to climate change, environment, land, water and bio-resources management, biodiversity and wildlife conservation, rural environment studies, natural disaster management studies, ecological, ecosystems, conservation education, promotion of energy conservation and encouraging development of technologies with a view to increasing the production and facilitating the use of energy on a sustainable basis through research, training, demonstration programs and awareness.


  • Water, Environmental Sanitation and Health (WESH)

Safe drinking water and sanitation facilities are major factors affecting the health of the community. GLCPD is engaged in R & D, water resources and watershed management, water harvesting, water and sanitation literacy campaigns, solid waste and waste water management, health and hygiene education, studies on environment pollution and environment-related diseases etc.


  • Food Security and Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture (FSNSA)

An analysis of the food security and nutrition status in many countries shows that malnutrition in rural areas remains at an unacceptably high level, despite gains made in poverty reduction, increased income and higher quality of health services. Stunting levels in children remain high (up to 40% in many countries), and progress has stagnated the last few years. The program focuses on capacity building in Nutrition sensitive Agriculture through dietary diversity and intake of nutritious foods. This will improve the capacity of people to produce and develop behavior that leads to consumption of nutritious foods, enhance food security and nutritional status of value chain actors, and mainly those at the production side processing side of the value chain.


  • Climate and Environment adaptation and resilience

Environmental Education and Awareness for youth for sustainability and resilience and Agro ecology practices, including Organic farming, bamboo Farming, renewable energies.

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